Marie Peltipa ( 1857-1930 )
Maria Mariusovna Petipa, Maruis Peltipa's daughter studied with her father and Johannson. She was much admired as a charecter dancer creating many natioasnal dances in ballets and Operas. She was the first Lilac Fairy in her father's "Sleeping Beauty."
Maria Surovshchikova Petipa (1836-1882) studied at St. Petersburg Imperial Ballet academy. She Married Marius Petipa after graduation and enter the Bolshoi Theatre. She created many roles in her husband's ballets. In travestie parts she made her biggest success. After her divorced from Maruis in 1869 her career went down hill. She is probably remembered more for being Marius' wife and Marie Petipa's mother.
"Sleeping Beauty" - St. Petersburg 1890